Risking It All: A Call to Step Out of Comfort and Into Faith
Caleb Dick Caleb Dick

Risking It All: A Call to Step Out of Comfort and Into Faith

Have you ever felt stuck in the monotony of life? Wake up, eat, work, sleep, repeat. It's easy to fall into routines that leave little room for God to interrupt us or use us in unexpected ways. But what if there's more to life than this? What if God is calling us to risk again, to step out in faith, and to allow Him to do something fresh and new through us?

The story of Jesus calling His first disciples provides a powerful illustration of what it means to risk everything for the Kingdom of God. Picture the scene: seasoned fishermen, exhausted after a long night of fruitless labor, are cleaning their nets by the shore. Suddenly, Jesus steps into their boat and asks them to push out a little from the shore so He can teach the crowds. Already, we see Jesus interrupting their plans and routines.

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Grow Down: Rediscovering Childlike Faith in a Grown-Up World
Caleb Dick Caleb Dick

Grow Down: Rediscovering Childlike Faith in a Grown-Up World

Remember that childhood dream of becoming a professional football player, veterinarian, or astronaut? We all harbored aspirations of growing up, believing it meant achieving success and independence. But what if the key to true joy and purpose lies not in "growing up," but in "growing down"?

This journey of "growing down" isn't about regressing into childishness; it's about rediscovering the innocence, trust, and wonder that often get lost in the complexities of adulthood. It's about cultivating a heart open to God's presence, embracing dependence on a higher power, and living with unwavering faith.

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Ancient Secrets of Emotional Intelligence
Philip McCallum Philip McCallum

Ancient Secrets of Emotional Intelligence

Have you ever heard that “modern problems require modern solutions?” I’m all for thinking forward, but sometimes, the pursuit of that which is new makes us overlook that which is true.

Take, for example, the recent emphasis on emotional intelligence. It’s a fascinating topic of study that was only coined and popularized in the 1990s. But if you look back to the earliest book ever written (the book of Job), there are profound lessons on emotional intelligence, resilience, and the transformative power of grief.

What can this ancient book teach us about emotional intelligence today?

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A Blueprint for Generational Blessings
Philip McCallum Philip McCallum

A Blueprint for Generational Blessings

Have you ever complained about the younger (or older) generation? It’s natural for there to be differences in the way we see the world and operate in it. It can be harmless and even funny in the right context.

But what if what is natural is blocking what is supernatural?

The work that God has to do is so great that it takes many lifetimes to achieve it. The problem is that these generational rifts can become so wide that God’s blessing does not flow from one to the other as He intended.

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Change The World With Dinner
Philip McCallum Philip McCallum

Change The World With Dinner

It’s easy to see the troubles in our world. Just turn on the news, scroll on social media, or listen to any political candidate.

All of this information can lead to greater compassion, but it can also lead to total paralysis. After all, what am I supposed to do about problems so large when I feel so small?

No one’s made a greater impact on humanity than Jesus did. How did He do it? He obviously did a lot, but there’s only 1 miracle (aside from His resurrection) that is recorded in all 4 gospels: the feeding of the 5,000.

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Unlock the Power of Hospitality at Home
Caleb Dick Caleb Dick

Unlock the Power of Hospitality at Home

Have you ever heard of the “Seattle Freeze?”

It's not about weather or ice cream; it’s about the tendency of people where I live to maintain politeness while resisting deeper connections. While it’s better than being overtly rude, it can also leave us stuck in shallow relationships.

So, how can you break out of this pattern and build meaningful connections with others?

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Believe God: Overcome Doubt and Rebuild Faith
Elijah Mayanja Elijah Mayanja

Believe God: Overcome Doubt and Rebuild Faith

When was the last time you seriously doubted God?

Maybe it was after facing a loss, maybe it was after a high point of faith ended in disappointment, or maybe it’s right now because you’re still waiting on an answer to prayer.

These moments can be challenging, but they also give us a choice: will we choose faith or give in to unbelief?

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