Welcome to Evergreen KIDS!
At Evergreen Church we believe that Jesus is changing lives through KIDS! We believe that God deeply loves children and we want Evergreen KIDS to be a resource for parents to equip their children with the gospel of Christ. We see Evergreen KIDS as a source to disciple their children, revitalize their family, and transform their community. We want every child who enters Evergreen KIDS to experience the truth that Jesus loves them and that they are a vital part of God’s Big Story.
You can pre-register your kiddo with the link below and to speed up the check-in process.
We look forward to meeting you!
Evergreen KIDS is available on Sundays during the 9:00am and 11:00am services. Here is a list of classes available during each service.
Infant/Walkers Room (0 - 23 months)
Toddler/Pre-K Room (2 - 5 years)
Kindergarten - 5th Grade Room
Infant Room (0 - 11 months)
Walkers Room (12 - 23 months)
Toddler Room (2 - 3 years)
Pre-K Room (4 - 5 years)
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Room
3rd - 5th Grade Room
What we are learning
Our curriculum walks children through the stories of the Bible, teaches foundational truths, helps them understand and see Gods promises, and focuses more on application not just information! The goal of our curriculum is to lead children to:
Connect with God
Find their place in His big story
Respond to Him through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We strive to see the hearts and lives of our children transformed every week. We ask ourselves “how will kids be different because of what they experienced?”
Evergreen Kids is also available for you online! Check out some amazing videos and resources for you to do church at home!
Get Involved!
If you love teaching kids about Jesus, join our team!
We believe child dedications are for the public declaration of you, as parents, to raise your child to know and understand God and a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. Dedication is a commitment to pray, love, teach and direct your child in the truth of Scripture while discipling him/her into a relationship with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.