Resources for you to

Read the Bible

Bible Reading Plans

Start a transformative journey through Scripture with one of our three Bible reading plans. Whether you want to focus on the life of Jesus, explore key Old Testament connections, or read the entire Bible in a year. Choose the plan that best fits your spiritual growth goals and deepen your relationship with God through His Word.




Read Scripture with a focus on the life of Jesus and his earliest followers. Explore the practice of praying a Psalm daily.



+ Key Old Testament


Read through the New Testament and the three Old Testament books most quoted by Jesus. Explore the practice of praying a Psalm daily.




Read through the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, using the classic version of The Bible in One Year with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel.

Book Overviews

Visualize the shape and core themes of every book of the Bible through an illustrated outline.

Additional Reading for Kids & Families

Help your family engage with Scripture in meaningful and age-appropriate ways. These resources provide simple, engaging ways to read and discuss the Bible together.

The Beginner's Bible: Timeless Children's Stories

The Beginner’s Bible is where a child’s journey towards a lifelong love of God’s Word begins.

The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible

With The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible your child will discover the incredible story of who God is, who they are, and who they were made to be!

The Action Bible: God's Redemptive Story

Features 230 illustrated stories that makes it easy and fun to understand the stories of the Bible.

NIV, Adventure Bible

Take your young explorer on an adventure through God’s Word with the #1 Bible for kids!

Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science

Discover the Wonders of the Universe with the Creator.

Bible Storybook from The Bible App for Kids

The Bible Storybook illustrates 35 Bible stories that help children explore God's Word.

The Bible App for Kids

Download the most popular kids' Bible app for free, and help your kids fall in love with God's Word.