Bible Verses: Ruth 1-4

Foundational Truth: God Blesses

Memory Verse:  “We praise you, God, we praise you, for your Name is near; people tell of your wonderful deeds.” — Psalm 75:1

We praise you: Raise both hands overhead, fingers spread, then wiggle fingers.God, we praise you: Point both index fingers to sky, then open hands and wiggle fingers.for your Name is near: Cross both open hands over heart.people tell: Hold left hand at side of mouth.of your wonderful deeds: Extend both hands, palms up, until arms fully extend.

Blessing:  Friends, in this part of The Big God Story, it says that Boaz greeted the people who worked for him by saying, “The Lord be with you!” The workers would then say back to him, “The Lord bless you!” We can bless each other with those words today too.

Turn to someone in the room and say “The Lord be with you” - The Lord bless you!  

Children, may you know that you are blessed by God. May you go out and be a blessing to others this week!

Wonder Questions:

I wonder… How did Ruth feel when she moved to a new place with Naomi? 

I wonder… How has God blessed me? 

I wonder… How can I care for other people?

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Coloring sheet & story:
(Click on the image to download the PDF)

Follow The Leader:
(Click on the image to download the PDF)

Jeffrey LeBlanc

Family Pastor


