Bible Verses: Daniel 6
Foundational Truth: God is the living God
Memory Verse: "The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves.” Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD your God: Make "L" with right index finger and thumb. Move the "L" from left shoulder to right hip.
is with you: Put both hands in front of body and pull close to chest.
the Mighty Warrior: Make fists and flex to show muscles.
who saves: Make fists and fold arms across chest, then open arms.
Zephaniah 3:17: Hold open hands like a book
Children, may you know our God is the one true living God and you belong to Him!
Wonder Questions:
I wonder … How did Daniel feel while he was in the lion’s' den?
I wonder … What did Daniel think when he saw the angel God sent to shut the lions' mouths? I wonder … When was a time God saved or protected me?
I wonder … How do I know that God is alive?

Lion Puppet:
(Click on the image to download the PDF)
Coloring Page:
(Click on the image to download the PDF)