What we are learning
God is LOVE! 1 John 4:16.
We want even the youngest children to learn that God loves them and that He is love. Our hope is that this foundational truth will continue with them throughout their lives.
Memory verse motions: God (point to the sky) is love (cross arms to make X on chest) 1 John 4:16 (hold hands as if opening and holding a Bible)
“Jesus is alive.” Whoo-hoo! Luke 24:23
This month we are learning all about the story of Easter.
Memory verse motions:
“Jesus is alive.” Whoo-hoo! Luke 24:23. Jesus (point up) Is alive (put hands down and raise hands up). Whoo-hoo (wave arms side to side) Luke 24:23 (hold hands as if opening and holding a bible)
Pre-k & elementary
“Christ died for our sins, just as the Scripture said. He was buried and He was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said.” 1 CORINTHIANS 15:3-4
This series is meant to teach the kids the story of Easter and what that means for them. {Easter is all about Jesus!} Our hope is that the kids walk away knowing that Jesus died for them because he loves them so much. We want them to know that they can be with God forever because of Jesus’ sacrifice.
Week 1 - The Last Supper | Luke 19:28-44 Big Idea: I will always remember what Jesus did for me.
Week 2 - The Triumphal Entry | Luke 19:28-44 Big idea: I will worship Jesus because He is my Savior.
Week 3 - Jesus’ Sacrifice|Matthew 26:36-56 Big idea: I can choose to follow Jesus my Savior.
Week 4 - God is with us | Acts 1-2 Big Idea: The Holy Spirit is always with us and gives us power to live for God.