Bible Verses: Numbers 12; 14:26-33; Joshua 5:13-6:27
Foundational Truth: God always keeps his promises
Memory Verse: “We praise you, God, we praise you, for your Name is near; people tell of your wonderful deeds.” — Psalm 75:1
We praise you: Raise both hands overhead, fingers spread, then wiggle fingers.God, we praise you: Point both index fingers to sky, then open hands and wiggle fingers.for your Name is near: Cross both open hands over heart.people tell: Hold left hand at side of mouth.of your wonderful deeds: Extend both hands, palms up, until arms fully extend.
Blessing: May you always know God’s great love for you and remember that God will always keep His promises.
Wonder Questions:
I wonder… What did God’s people think when the walls of Jericho fell down?
I wonder… How does it feel to know God will always keep His promises?
I wonder… What are some promises God has made to me?
Coloring sheet & story:
(click on the image to download the PDF)
Wall of Cards:
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